Aperçu gratuit du livre Physics of Rotating Fluids: Selected Topics of the 11th International Couette-Taylor Workshop Held at Bremen, Germany, 20-23 July 1999
Physics of Rotating Fluids: Selected Topics of the 11th International Couette-Taylor Workshop Held at Bremen, Germany, 20-23 July 1999
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Physics of Rotating Fluids: Selected Topics of the 11th International Couette-Taylor Workshop Held at Bremen, Germany, 20-23 July 1999/fr-ca/physics-of-rotating-fluids-selected-topics-of-the-11th-international-couette-taylor-workshop-held-at-bremen-germany-20-23-july-1999/BBFE879A-CAC9-44DE-BE47-20724463699A.htmlBBFE879A-CAC9-44DE-BE47-20724463699A
Physics of Rotating Fluids: Selected Topics of the 11th International Couette-Taylor Workshop Held at Bremen, Germany, 20-23 July 1999