Aperçu gratuit du livre Information and Communications Technologies in School Mathematics: IFIP TC3 / WG3.1 Working Conference on Secondary School Mathematics in the World of Communication Technology: Learning, Teaching and the Curriculum, 26–31 October 1997, Grenoble, France
Information and Communications Technologies in School Mathematics: IFIP TC3 / WG3.1 Working Conference on Secondary School Mathematics in the World of Communication Technology: Learning, Teaching and the Curriculum, 26–31 October 1997, Grenoble, France
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Information and Communications Technologies in School Mathematics: IFIP TC3 / WG3.1 Working Conference on Secondary School Mathematics in the World of Communication Technology: Learning, Teaching and the Curriculum, 26-31 October 1997, Grenoble, France/fr-ca/information-and-communications-technologies-in-school-mathematics-ifip-tc3-%2F-wg3.1-working-conference-on-secondary-school-mathematics-in-the-world-of-communication-technology-learning-teaching-and-the-curriculum-26-31-october-1997-grenoble-france/5E330D38-F1D2-474D-9F83-8462EE32D1DD.html5E330D38-F1D2-474D-9F83-8462EE32D1DD
Information and Communications Technologies in School Mathematics: IFIP TC3 / WG3.1 Working Conference on Secondary School Mathematics in the World of Communication Technology: Learning, Teaching and the Curriculum, 26-31 October 1997, Grenoble, France
Information and Communications Technologies in School Mathematics: IFIP TC3 / WG3.1 Working Conference on Secondary School Mathematics in the World of Communication Technology: Learning, Teaching and the Curriculum, 26–31 October 1997, Grenoble, France
Information and Communications Technologies in School Mathematics: Ifip Tc3 / Wg3.1 Working Conference on Secondary School Mathematics in the World of Communication Technology: Learning, Teaching and the Curriculum, 26-31 October 1997, Grenoble, France