Aperçu gratuit du livre E-Government ICT Professionalism and Competences Service Science: IFIP 20th World Computer Congress, Industry Oriented Conferences, September 7-10, 2008, Milano, Italy
E-Government ICT Professionalism and Competences Service Science: IFIP 20th World Computer Congress, Industry Oriented Conferences, September 7-10, 2008, Milano, Italy
E-Government ICT Professionalism and Competences Service Science: IFIP 20th World Computer Congress, Industry Oriented Conferences, September 7-10, 2008, Milano, Italy/fr-ca/e-government-ict-professionalism-and-competences-service-science-ifip-20th-world-computer-congress-industry-oriented-conferences-september-7-10-2008-milano-italy/505406AE-F500-4015-8BB3-826C19A11CB6.html505406AE-F500-4015-8BB3-826C19A11CB6
E-Government ICT Professionalism and Competences Service Science: IFIP 20th World Computer Congress, Industry Oriented Conferences, September 7-10, 2008, Milano, Italy
E-Government ICT Professionalism and Competences Service Science: IFIP 20th World Computer Congress, Industry Oriented Conferences, September 7-10, 2008, Milano, Italy