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The Courts, the Charter, and the Schools: The Impact of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms on Educational Policy and Practice, 1982-2007
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The Courts, the Charter, and the Schools: The Impact of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms on Educational Policy and Practice, 1982-2007/en-ca/the-courts-the-charter-and-the-schools-the-impact-of-the-charter-of-rights-and-freedoms-on-educational-policy-and-practice-1982-2007/FA2CFFA0-AC59-4D29-A466-36353C4356A9.htmlFA2CFFA0-AC59-4D29-A466-36353C4356A9
The Courts, the Charter, and the Schools: The Impact of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms on Educational Policy and Practice, 1982-2007