Free Preview of Plantae Utowanae. Plants Collected in Bermuda, Porto Rico, St. Thomas, Culebras, Santo Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, The Caymans, Cozumel, Yucatan and the Alacran Shoals. Dec. 1898-Mar. 1899. The Antillean Cruise of the Yacht Utowana. Mr. Allison V. Armour, Own
Plantae Utowanae. Plants Collected in Bermuda, Porto Rico, St. Thomas, Culebras, Santo Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, The Caymans, Cozumel, Yucatan and the Alacran Shoals. Dec. 1898-Mar. 1899. The Antillean Cruise of the Yacht Utowana. Mr. Allison V. Armour, Own