Free Preview of Innovation in Design, Communication and Engineering: Proceedings of the 8th Asian Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ACICE 2019), October 25-30, 2019, Zhengzhou, P.R. China
Innovation in Design, Communication and Engineering: Proceedings of the 8th Asian Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ACICE 2019), October 25-30, 2019, Zhengzhou, P.R. China
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Innovation in Design, Communication and Engineering: Proceedings of the 8th Asian Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ACICE 2019), October 25-30, 2019, Zhengzhou, P.R. China/en-ca/innovation-in-design-communication-and-engineering-proceedings-of-the-8th-asian-conference-on-innovation-communication-and-engineering-acice-2019-october-25-30-2019-zhengzhou-p.r.-china/0DCB54B8-4BEC-4CA9-99AC-BE5EA7307183.html0DCB54B8-4BEC-4CA9-99AC-BE5EA7307183
Innovation in Design, Communication and Engineering: Proceedings of the 8th Asian Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ACICE 2019), October 25-30, 2019, Zhengzhou, P.R. China
Innovation in Design, Communication and Engineering: Proceedings of the 8th Asian Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ACICE 2019), October 25-30, 2019, Zhengzhou, P.R. China