Free Preview of Information Systems: 17th European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference, EMCIS 2020, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 25-26, 2020, Proceedings
Information Systems: 17th European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference, EMCIS 2020, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 25-26, 2020, Proceedings
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Information Systems: 17th European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference, EMCIS 2020, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 25-26, 2020, Proceedings/en-ca/information-systems-17th-european-mediterranean-and-middle-eastern-conference-emcis-2020-dubai-united-arab-emirates-november-25-26-2020-proceedings/AD2395D9-46C9-425E-A15B-0B949F64EFDD.htmlAD2395D9-46C9-425E-A15B-0B949F64EFDD
Information Systems: 17th European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference, EMCIS 2020, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 25-26, 2020, Proceedings
Information Systems: 17th European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference, EMCIS 2020, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 25–26, 2020, Proceedings