Free Preview of History of Freemasonry in the City of Galena, Illinois, From the Organization of Strangers' Union Lodge no. 14, A.D. 1826, A.L. 1826 [read 5826] to July A.D. 1874, A.L. 5874, and By-laws of Miners' Lodge no. 273, A.F. and A.M., Jo Daviess Chapter no. 51,
History of Freemasonry in the City of Galena, Illinois, From the Organization of Strangers' Union Lodge no. 14, A.D. 1826, A.L. 1826 [read 5826] to July A.D. 1874, A.L. 5874, and By-laws of Miners' Lodge no. 273, A.F. and A.M., Jo Daviess Chapter no. 51,