What is Pickup in Store?

Pickup in Store is a way for you to shop online and pick up your items at your closest store. If your items are currently in stock at your store, they’ll be available for pickup in as little as three hours. If an item isn’t currently in stock at your store, we’ll ship it to your store to be available for pickup within 3-7 days depending on your location.

Will all stores offer Pickup in Store?

Most of our store locations will offer Pickup in Store in as little as 3 hours. However, some locations will not be able to offer same-day pickup.

When is Pickup in Store available?

Pickup in Store is available on a per-store basis, and our store operating hours can be found on our store locator page.

What products are eligible for Pickup in Store?

We’ll offer the best of our online and in-store product assortment, subject to inventory availability, item size and weight. The item page will indicate if that item is eligible and when it’s available for Pickup in Store.

Are there any additional costs for Pickup in Store?

No. When you choose Pickup in Store in your cart and proceed to checkout, you’ll only pay the online prices for your item (plus applicable taxes). There are no additional fees, and no shipping charges.

Will online promotions and special offers be applicable to my order?

Yes, in most cases, they will apply, however some items may be excluded. To be certain, continue to checkout to see all qualifying promotions and offers that have been applied, and verify before placing your order.

How do I place my order?
  1. Select your store at indigo.ca or the Indigo app.
    1. If browsing for items, the item details page will indicate if your item is available for Pickup in Store and when it’s available.
    2. If searching for an item, select the FREE PICKUP TODAY filter and you’ll see only those items that have inventory currently available at your store.
  2. Continue to add all your desired items to your cart.
  3. Review your items and the estimated pickup and delivery dates in your cart and proceed to checkout.
  4. During checkout, confirm your delivery address or click Edit to change.
  5. To change from “Ship to an address” to “Pick up free in store”, go back to your cart and update your pickup store location.
  6. Proceed to payment and place your order. You’ll receive an order confirmation email shortly, confirming your order details. Once your order is ready to be picked up, we’ll send you another email with pickup instructions.
Can I place my order over the phone or via email?

No. Customers must place Pickup in Store orders on indigo.ca or the Indigo app in order to maintain privacy and adhere to data security rules. This also allows us to accurately track the order status and provide any support for billing, refunds or exchanges as needed.

When will my order be ready?

If your items are in stock in store, we’ll have your order ready for pickup in as little as 3 hours, subject to operating hours and given available capacity in stores.

If your item is not in stock in your store, but available in one of our warehouses, we’ll ship it to your store, and have it ready for pickup within 3-7 days, subject to item availability and transit times.

How will I know when my order is ready for pickup?

Once your order is available for pickup, you’ll receive an email indicating “Your Order is Ready for Pickup” with pickup details.

What if I’m not able to pick up my order when it’s ready?

No problem. Come in as soon as you’re able, during our operating hours and our staff will be happy to assist you.

Be mindful that if your order isn’t picked up after 7 days, it will be automatically cancelled and refunded.

Who do I contact if I have an issue with my Pickup in Store order?

Please visit help.indigo.ca to browse our Help Articles, if you have any other questions, or want to send us your feedback.