Free Preview of Global Security, Safety and Sustainability: The Security Challenges of the Connected World: 11th International Conference, ICGS3 2017, London, UK, January 18-20, 2017, Proceedings
Global Security, Safety and Sustainability: The Security Challenges of the Connected World: 11th International Conference, ICGS3 2017, London, UK, January 18-20, 2017, Proceedings
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Global Security, Safety and Sustainability: The Security Challenges of the Connected World: 11th International Conference, ICGS3 2017, London, UK, January 18-20, 2017, Proceedings/en-ca/global-security-safety-and-sustainability-the-security-challenges-of-the-connected-world-11th-international-conference-icgs3-2017-london-uk-january-18-20-2017-proceedings/9748DB9E-5E2A-424D-AA1A-BE68E901C091.html9748DB9E-5E2A-424D-AA1A-BE68E901C091
Global Security, Safety and Sustainability: The Security Challenges of the Connected World: 11th International Conference, ICGS3 2017, London, UK, January 18-20, 2017, Proceedings
Global Security, Safety and Sustainability: The Security Challenges of the Connected World: 11th International Conference, ICGS3 2017, London, UK, January 18-20, 2017, Proceedings