“I remember getting hurt in 2014. I was just looking for something to occupy my mind—a self-care and mental strength book. I came across The Undefeated Mind. It really helped me through. It gave me a lot of strategies on how to find confidence through discomfort.”

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“I’m a big war movies guy—movies about strategy on how to win a war, whether it’s physically or psychologically. This book is about understanding how you can be the best you can be, and I use that mentality on the court.”

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“I use this book in the same way I use The Art of War: as a way of understanding how you can manipulate things in a beneficial way.”

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“I read this book to understand how the business frame works, how strategy works. It’s coming from a manipulative standpoint, but not in a negative way. It’s about understanding the ins and outs and ways of thinking—how to read certain situations.”

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“50 Cent is one of my favourite rappers and authors that I look up to. Seeing his involvement with
The 50 th Law played a big part in me wanting to write a book.”

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